sent you an invite to Groove!

Welcome to the WFH coworking community for people striving to live a life that's so them. 🎉

Join the party to achieve your goals, stay focused, and get accountability from creative friends. ✨

Surround yourself with great humans as you work 👋


Stay focused and get accountability on demand. End your days glad you did what mattered. Groovers have reduced their work hours by 5-15/week!


Focused work time = more time for play and rest, helping you feel less overwhelmed. Stick to your routines, maintain boundaries, and spend time doing what you love.

Feel inspired

Be surrounded by humans who understand the marathon of going against the grain. Share tips and celebrate wins together. No cringey networking here.

A community in your pocket

Groove’s a mobile app — so you can be connected to supportive humans like you...anywhere, anytime.

Why is it really cool my friend invited me?

A little birdie told us you're pretty rad and would be a fantastic addition to the Groove community. Since your friend invited you, you'll get a free 30-day pass.

Your friend gets limited invites so it means a lot that they picked you to join the fun 🤩

Who will I Groove with?

A bunch of creative humans who are doing work they care about from home.

Traditional ways of working don’t work for us, Groovers; a conventional career wouldn’t honor our unique personalities, desired lifestyles, and (for many of us) our neurodiverse brains, so we’ve decided to pave our own paths by doing things differently. 🧠 🌈

It’s not uncommon to meet a Groover who is obsessed with baking sourdough 🍞, loves rollerskating, or paints daily 🎨

What is a Groove? How does it work?

Grooves are the main way we hang out as a community! A Groove is a structured one-hour coworking session. Join a Groove whenever you’d like a burst of encouragement and accountability from 1-3 other humans like you. Most of us Groove a few times every day.

Each Groove is...
⭐️ 5 minutes ON video to say hello and share what you’re up to
⭐️ 50 minutes OFF video to focus
⭐️ 5 minutes ON video to share how it went

Is there a facilitator?

No—just you and 1-3 other Groovers. Groove makes it easy for the experience to run smoothly each time. You’ll see hints for what to do next. When you’re new, others will be notified and will happily show you the ropes. It’s a very welcoming community.

What do people do inside Grooves?

All sorts of things! You can jump in, coffee in hand, first thing in the morning to plan your to-dos or tackle something you’ve been procrastinating for a while, like redoing your website or sharing your podcast on new channels. You can also Groove to reorganize your home office, take an intentional lunch break, or meditate. It’s not about what you do, it’s about why you're here ❤️

How much does it cost? Is there a free trial?

You'll automatically be granted a 30-day free pass if you download Groove and create an account right now. Groove's membership costs $18/month or $120/year USD.

We'll send you tips along the way to make the most of your trial so you can start seeing big changes quickly in your work and life.

Why is Groove only a mobile app?

For starters, it’s pretty darn cool to have a community in your pocket that you can transport to whenever you need to. Work doesn’t only happen at your desk.

Plus, Groovers love to easily flip their phone cameras around to share a book they're reading or how cute their furry coworker is 🐶 Alas, never say never, there might be a desktop app in our future one day.

How did Groove start? Who’s on the team?

Groove’s co-founders, Josh Greene, Tova Safra, and Sruli Rapps were freelancing from home and missed the days of working with friends in coffee shops and coworking spaces (and the camaraderie of when they used to have teammates).

They started Groove with the belief that living your best life is a team sport. Those of us paving our own paths deserve to be surrounded by people who lift us up and help us feel those bursts of energy to keep going, every single day.

We’re a tiny team of four (heyyy to Taylor Harrington, our Head of Community) and have worked with talented freelancers and generous Groovers to make Groove what it is today and will be in the future.